1/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 1
2/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 2
3/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 3
4/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 4
5/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 5
6/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 6
7/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 7 firma A&J Partners
8/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 8 i 9
9/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 10 i 11
10/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 12 i 13
11/ Zarchiwizowane z Google+ nr 14
12/ Referencje nr 15, zarchiwizowane z Google Moja Firma
13/Referencje nr 16: firma Mobilex sp. z o.o.
14/ Referencje nr 17: firma Bayer Schering Pharma Poland
15/ Referencje nr 18
16/ Referencje nr 19: Fundacja Rozwoju Społeczeństwa Informacyjnego (FRSI), po przetargu
17/ Referencje nr 20: firma Alexandra Berk Sp. z o.o., cz.1 , cz. 2
18/ Referencje nr 21: firma S.Witko
19/ Referencje nr 22
20/ Referencje nr 23
21/ Referencje nr 24
22/ Referencje nr 25
23/ Referencje nr 26: Firma PP Plus Sp. z o.o.
24/ Referencje nr 27
I have been using the TranslatorKLO’s service many times. They offered quality translation from French, Arabic, English into Polish and vice versa. I have also placed the request for the chartered translation from English into French and on that occasion, I have learnt that I could choose from many types of written translations available on translation market. It was new to me since I have come from the western country where only chartered translation exists. Having said that, it soon turned out that the most familiar option to me in a form of the chartered translation with regard to price and quality has quickly proved to be not only the most natural but also the most suitable choice for me. It is worth adding, that the chartered translations are conducted by the qualified translators and bear their stamps as a proof of both qualifications and quality – wholeheartedly recommended choice for everyone.
Very recommended indeed. 🙂